Everything Athletes - Mental Health for Competitors

(3/3) What I learned from reading the 2019 IOC Consensus Report

Episode Summary

In this three-part episode, Kim shares statistics, insights and treatment recommendations from the IOC's 2019 mental health report. Covering 11 mental health symptoms and disorders, Kim dives into rates of prevalence across gender and country. contact@everythingathletes.com

Episode Notes

Sensitive topic warning: psychological abuse, sexual abuse, suicide, depression. 

Mental health in elite athletes: International Olympic Committee consensus statement (2019)

Document link: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/53/11/667

My notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fwu3k1lEgUtqrNeCj7oHMK-xYGzVI_JeNGhGWLA8sSs/edit?usp=sharing

Part 3 covers: