Everything Athletes - Mental Health for Competitors

The Power of Music in Sport with Rosie Mead

Episode Summary

In this episode, Kim chats with Music Sociologist Rosie Mead about athletes leveraging the power of music to change the way they feel. Rosie explains that we don't always chase the goal (the medal, the trophy, the blue ribbon), we chase the feeling that comes with achieving that goal. In order to best thrive in our daily lives, we need to ask ourselves each morning how we want to feel. Then, we turn to music to access those feelings. Listen to Rosie explain how you can optimize your athlete journey by setting "goals with soul".

Episode Notes

Rosie Mead is a Music Sociologist with a background in music, health and wellbeing. She is starting out as a high performance life coach, taking her academic interests in music psychology and music sociology to support athletes to thrive by connecting with music. 

Rosie is on a mission to raise awareness of the power of music to enhance sports performance, and the ways that we can re-connect with and be in control of our emotions through the music we listen to, which in turn affects how we perform. Rosie is launching her coaching business in September 2021, and you can follow her work over on instagram - @iamrosiemead

Rosie Mead's Links: