Everything Athletes - Mental Health for Competitors

Sean Fee on Mental Health in Sport

Episode Summary

In this episode, Kim chats with Sean Fee about his career as a collegiate wrestler, the stigma around mental health in sport and what athletes can do today to support their own mental well-being. From finding friends outside of sport to learning to live a well-balanced life in moderation, Sean offers many insights for both athletes and non-athletes to feel good in their own lives.

Episode Notes

Sean Fee was a varsity letter winner wrestler at West Virginia University where he graduated in 2016. Sean recently received his master's degree in counseling psychology with a focus in positive coaching and athletic leadership from the University of Missouri, which will set him up to become certified by the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. 

He is now enrolled at Cleveland State University, where he is seeking an additional master's in clinical mental health counseling to become a licensed therapist with the goal of working with collegiate athletes.

Find Sean below:

The Fine Line book 

Wellsportcle Social Media Pages