Everything Athletes - Mental Health for Competitors

Kacee Hoffer, Diving

Episode Summary

Kim sits down with Kacee Hoffer, former Division I Diver, to talk about her college career and current organization From Athlete to Human Being. In college, she faced adversity with coaches, injuries and felt like she didn't meet her career goals. Learn more about Kacee's journey and how she helps athletes today. www.fromathletetohumanbeing.com contact@everythingathletes.com

Episode Notes

Kacee Hoffer was a Division 1 athlete. A high performing division 1 athlete. Then the world came crumbling down when burnout, doubt, self-image and ultimate shame took over and the feeling of being a “failed athlete” was the only thing that remained

Within the three years that followed, she worked through the pain and struggles of rebuilding her identity. Not as an athlete, but as a human being. 

She is speaking out for the athletes that feel alone in their struggle and believe that they should be able to handle it, even though they aren’t. 

Kacee new helps past and current high performing athletes push through the mental struggles of body confidence, self-image and shame to transition and thrive in and after competition.