Everything Athletes - Mental Health for Competitors

Leadership for Coaches & Building Empathy

Episode Summary

In this episode, Kim talks with Dr. Matthew Raidbard, author of Lead Like a Pro and college basketball coach. We talk mental health for coaches, athletes and how to build leadership skills like empathy and understanding.

Episode Notes

Dr. Matthew Raidbard has spent the past 15 years as a men's college basketball coach and senior level college athletics administrator. While pursuing his Doctorate in Educational Leadership, he conducted research on athletic coach leadership practice that led him to determine that coaches were not being provided the tools and resources required to take on the outsized leadership role they were asked to take on for their athletes and team. This discovery was the inspiration for his new book, "Lead Like A Pro: Effective Leadership Styles For Athletic Coaches," where he provides coaches, at all levels of sports, with tools to enhance their leadership practice and become more effective leaders.

In this episode, Dr. Rairdbard covers...

Find Dr. Raidbard and his book at the links below: